The Fat Chef - A culinary ww2 Thriller by Fredrik Nath

Raoul Verney, plump Executive Head Chef of the Metro Hotel in Paris, see the German occupation as a temporary setback until he has to protect the one he loves. Then it's gloves off and with frying pan in hand, with a gun in his hand he find he has more a more potent recipe his disposal for the invaders than his oefs en cocotte. A passion for food and a passion for freedom.

In this modern world of healthy eating and drinking the author is old-fashioned enough to still believe as George Bernard Shaw said, 'there is no love more sincere than the love of food.' 
But be careful, sometimes 'love hurts'.
If you've read any of the others in this series, (The Cyclist; Farewell Bergerac; Francesca Pascal) you'll notice a change in setting and a change in the type of main character. The author has tried to make Raoul imperfect enough to be human but passionate enough to be plausible in his job.
Although the author enjoyed writing the book, it made him hungry at times
Maybe you'll understand why!
The cover is an original watercolour by Jane Owen.


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