Water's End: A Love Rediscovered - Kindle eBook advertising by Jessica Deforest

Water's End: A Love Rediscovered - Kindle eBook advertising by Jessica Deforest

Water's End: A Love Rediscovered - Kindle eBook advertising by Jessica Deforest

More a romantic novel than a romance, Water's End: A Love Rediscovered is the story of a lifelong, seemingly unattainable love, the one thing Anne Mills can hold onto during her struggles. The plot follows her as she grows emotionally, fights to regain her own power, and finds fulfillment, even in the face of tragedy. Anne's journey takes her from a small Kansas town to fashion runways, Washington, D.C., and finally into the inner circles of Hollywood.

Writing this book was cathartic when I went through a divorce in 1994. Caught up in the excitement of starting a new life, I finished the book in less than two months, pouring out the story that had been bottled up inside me for so long. At the time, I was a corporate writer/editor and a freelance editor, so it was liberating to unleash my own creativity after working solely on other people's writing.

However, life swept me up and carried me around a bit, so it was not until seven years later that I finally sent manuscripts to agents in New York. Sadly, my boxed hardcopies arrived on 9/11 and were returned unopened. Once again, I relegated Water's End: A Love Rediscovered to a dark corner of my office.

The real motivation to publish the book came from my internship for a master's in counseling psychology, when I worked with abused women in homeless shelters. It is my hope that this book will demystify domestic violence and inspire women to become victors over their own lives rather than victims or mere survivors.