Jupiter The Planet Of Luck And Good Fortune In Your Horoscope - Kindle ebook by Hanne Klein

Free kindle book 08-09-10 July 2013


How can planet Jupiter help you? In this book you will learn how
Jupiter travels around in the horoscope and the influence it will have
in each sign and house. It will help you make the right decisions in
many areas of your life. It will help you decide when it is a good
time to be selling for example a house, a car, or anything that is of
value to you or when to buy and get a good price. When it comes to
taken a long journey Jupiter can explain what kind of trip it will be.
Is it going to be a good time to go traveling, whether it is for a
business trip or holiday long or short distances. You can find out
when the time is right for relationship, many people find a new
partner or get married under a favorable Jupiter aspect. This book
will help you to take advantages of when Jupiter's positive energies
are at work.
You will learn a lot about what Jupiter represent in your Horoscope.
If you don't know where Jupiter is in your horoscope then go to the
calendar on the last page and look it up.

The Cycle Of Jupiter
Planet Jupiter and planet Mercury in opposition
What the power points are in a Horoscope?
Each of the 12 Houses of the Horoscope
The influence planet Jupiter has in the 12 Houses of the Horoscope
An interpretation of each of the 12 Star Signs
An interpretation of Jupiter in the 12 Star signs
It gives you an idea of how Jupiter in each of the Houses attract money
A table from 1930 - 2013 so you can find the sign Jupiter was in at
the time of your birth