How I Met the Man of My Dreams: a Guide to MANifesting Yours -- Kindle eBook by Debbianne DeRose

Free on Amazon Kindle: January 9-11, 2014

Single women, take heart. The Man of Your Dreams is definitely out there. Even if you don't believe he is... even if you look around and see an abundance of Mr. Wrongs... even if you've been single for a long time. You have the power to MANifest a wonderful mate, and this book lays it all out for you--with humor and tough love. It begins with acknowledging that you are, indeed, powerful---but without blaming yourself for creating unsavory experience up until now. In fact, self-love is the bomb diggity! Feeling worthy of your Dreamboat is muy importante, as is getting real with yourself about the ways in which you've been thwarting love. Don't worry, though. The process of self-improvement is easier and far more fun than you probably assume. And the happiness and self-sovereignty you'll be stepping into will spill over into every aspect of your life. You cannot help but expand and grow when you get on the road to the MANifestival! 

You'll be hard-pressed to find a metaphysical book with this much humor and down-to-earth practical guidance. It's especially designed for those who harbor cynicism about whether the Law of Attraction is real---as well as those gals who are well-versed in manifesting other good stuff but feel challenged when it comes to love and relationships. The author presents otherwise airy-faerie concepts in very accessible, humorous, cut-to-the-chase terms. There is such a diverse collection of real-life examples, stories, analogies and pop-culture references that sooner or later, the "aha!" moment will be yours. 

"How I Met the Man of My Dreams" dispels a number of cultural myths. For instance, there is no such thing as being too picky when it comes to manifesting true love! And believing that your Dreamboat exists is not actually necessary (as long as you train yourself to stop actively disbelieving). Also, it's not necessary to "put yourself out there" and participate in online dating or other activities if you don't really like them. It's actually counterproductive to do anything you don't like, and "following your micro-bliss" is a practical section in this guide that explains the art of using Higher Guidance to get you where you want to go. You'll find this book refreshingly empowering... and sassy.

The truth about Life is that everything exists---including your Mr. Right. We limit ourselves and start to believe in limitation, but that is pure illusion. All limitations are optional; all roadblocks removable. There are clever ways of dealing with your doubting mind and working with disbelief, while moving forward and allowing new men with pleasing qualities to show up in your personal reality. The key ingredient is your desire for change and your worthiness to experience true love and partnership that's truly good for you. The Man you seek is also seeking you, but you must get yourself into vibrational alignment for him to find you. You can do this. Your road trip to HookedUp City will be fun and satisfying---life-changing, even.