Sectors - kindle ebook by Harule Stokes
Sectors was a joy to write! Taking me about 2 years from inception to production, this novel came together bit by bit during my lunch hour and commute to and from work. Lots of eating in a rush and heartburn was the cost of making this story a reality.
The most interesting experience of writing this novel was the emotions I experienced while transferring my thoughts to the screen. Some days, I found myself fighting off tears. Other days, I laughed out loud, then realized I looked like a nutcase. Best of all, there were moments of catharsis, cleansing releases were I found myself expressing the dreams of who strive to and the sorrow of seeing the parts of myself I do not like.
Sectors is really about becoming an adult and taking responsibility for who you are and choosing who you'll become.  Regardless of your environment, it is the person that must ultimately decide their own path. So choose.