A Christmas Castle - kindle ebook by Thomas J. Prestopnik


“What are you thinking about, Jack?” Gloria looked at him, knowing his thoughts were miles away in time.
Jack chuckled. “I was thinking about the Christmas night I found that shooting star stuck in a snow bank.”
Gloria curiously raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

In this heartwarming novella, Christmas meets the butterfly effect when a young boy's glance at a shooting star produces surprising results through time.

When Jack Mason was eight years old in 1966, he saw a shooting star on Christmas night. Then he tried to follow it, setting off a chain reaction that affected his life, and others, in ways he would only learn about eighty-two years later when he meets Gloria Grant at the Harbor View Retirement Home. This is a tale of ordinary people, distant memories, and forgotten dreams-though sometimes even forgotten dreams can still blossom.

So what’s next?

I’m putting the finishing touches on an epic fantasy novel I began planning in 1978 (a few years after reading The Lord of the Rings), started writing in 1999, and completed the first draft in 2013. With fingers crossed, I’m hoping to release it in summer 2015 in three volumes.