Give Me Your Truth - Kindle ebook by Sherri Rosen

Give Me Your Truth, ebook by Sherri Rosen

Sherri Rosen is a firecracker when it comes to publicity and living her life.  She works it
straight no chaser.   This is a book for authors and anyone trying to live their lives with no BS.

Give Me Your Truth has messages that are not only for professionals in the publishing world, but for all of us. A few thoughts that struck me since they reflect who I am - "no masks, no false fronts. Just the real, no-frills me" "Being totally honest with ourselves is one of the most important things we can do "
"Remember hard work and magic do happen." "We can bless and stretch. We can grow and push. We can be at peace." " It's up to us and we can start now." The book is a wonderful gift for all of us to create a life of authenticity.   Filled with great photos and advice from someone who has been through it all.

From well known author, Barbara Chepaitis " Sherri Rosen's energy and talent for her job are immense. She's a dynamo at what she does, and this book captures the essence of what a really great publicist can accomplish in her professional and personal life."