The Ruby Brooch - Time Travel Romance by Katherine Lowry Logan

Kindle Countdown Deal – May 20-26, 2015

Audiobook Available

One of my favorite writing experiences happened a few years ago during the Christmas holidays. I was working on the stampede scene in THE RUBY BROOCH, and I needed gun information, so I went to a local gun store. My first visit ever! The store was crowded with holiday shoppers. I stood at the door not knowing what to do. The cashier asked if he could help me. I said, "I need a gun that will kill as many cows as possible in the shortest amount of time." The store went completely silent. The men stared at me. I had a lot of explaining to do. After they discovered I was a writer, everyone wanted to give me advice, and their advice is in the book.

Shortly after finishing the first draft, I took a road trip from Lexington, KY to Portland, OR. I drove the backroads and followed the Oregon Trail historical markers. In many places, the ruts made by wagon wheels are still visible. It was an amazining adventure.