Planning Your Retirement Life: Secure Your Future NOW: A Woman's 8-Step Guide to Financial Freedom, Even if You Have No Money, No Time, and Don't Know Where to Start by AJC Publications

Planning Your Retirement Life: Secure Your Future NOW: A Woman's 8-Step Guide to Financial Freedom, Even if You Have No Money, No Time, and Don't Know Where to Start by AJC Publications

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Read this essential retirement manual to discover:

How and why retirement is different for women — have you ever wondered why women save less for retirement than men? Reality is not as neutral as you think!
How to create your retirement vision with the abundance mindset — cultivate an attitude that will allow you to grow and become more self-aware of your potential and capabilities.

Why you must create a household budget for better financial management — being mindful of your income and expenses is one of the critical keys to early retirement!

Investment strategies you can start immediately — saving is not enough; you need to invest to earn passive income.

The importance of applying for health insurance — life is full of uncertainties, and it’s better to be prepared in advance than be sorry later on.