The Missing Comatose Woman - a cozy mystery by Sarah Ettritch

The Missing Comatose Woman is a cozy mystery featuring new PI Casey Cook. When the seed of the idea first came to me, I figured I'd write a science fiction story. As I developed the idea some more, I decided that the story would be an oh-so-serious mystery. But when I sat down, opened an empty Word file (I always love this moment), and started to write, something completely different in tone came out. I went with the flow, and I'm glad I did.

I write character-focused stories, and The Missing Comatose Woman is no exception. It's a fun story, with interesting characters that range in age from twenty-something to…well, Gran swears she's not a day over 60, but I'm not buying it. It's also set in Canada, so the characters pay for their coffees using loonies and toonies.
The book's cover reflects important story elements. Casey gets around town on her bike, has a cat named Midnight, and a coffee shop near her home plays an important role in the story. Cats are involved in the plot in other ways, but I don't want to spoil anything for you.
Come along for the ride as Casey gets to the bottom of her first case and proves that she can do the PI thing!