Things You Should Have Learned In High School (But Probably Didn't) - Kindle ebook by Ken Malcom

Sure you learned reading, writing and 'rithmetic in school, but what
about information you can use in your everyday life? Can you change a
car tire? Do you know how to put out a grease fire? Can you identify
the signs of a stroke and, more importantly, know how to react?

The fourth book by Ken Malcom, Things You Should Have Learned In High
School (But Probably Didn't) is rife with tidbits of advice and
knowledge that you can put to use in your everyday life. These days
schools are more concerned with test preparation than they are life
preparation, and while your parents do the best they can they are
going to miss a few things. When was the last time your mom or dad
sat down and explained compound interest to you?

Other topics covered include:

* Making a budget and sticking to it
* Your Fourth Amendment rights
* Looking for work and how to write a resume
* Tattoos
* Much, much more!

This book isn't going to be able to cover everything, but it will give
you a good start! A great read for high school students, college
students, and even the adults!