My Four Fathers - Kindle ebook by Philippe SHOCK Matthews

At age 14,  I lost my Mother and Father two months apart. I made three promises to my mother before she passed 1) to never do drugs, 2) never get involved with gang activity and 3) to make something of my life that she would be proud of.  I’ve kept all three promises!

To cope with the grief, I dedicated my life to showing others what a young fatherless/motherless child could accomplish. I discovered four men that would change my life and shape my thinking for the rest of my life. There names are Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Dr. Denis Waitley and Brian Tracy.

These are my Four Fathers. Virtual Fathers are sometimes more powerful than real Fathers!

My Four Fathers: Personal Virtual Interviews with the Worlds Greatest Motivators Who Inspired A Fatherless Son!