Death To The Fat Cats! by Steve Johnson

Death To The Fat Cats! by Steve Johnson

$0.99 (regularly $4.99) 5/31/2017 - 6/7/2017!

A serial killer is mad as hell and knocking off members of the Forbes 400. It's open season on the fat cats. Suddenly the good life is really no longer all that good for some of the richest people in our nation. The upper 1 percent still controls 34 percent of the nation's wealth. But it's hard to enjoy that very large piece of the pie when today might be your last. It's hard to enjoy a pile of money, no matter how big the pile, when you're looking over your shoulder in fear of a revenge-crazed killer. Hood got downsized. He lost his job, lost his home, lost his wife, lost his daughter, lost everything that matters and some things that don't matter. Like Robin of old, he steals from the rich. In this case, he takes their life. And he gives hope to the poor. The Forbes 400 is now the Forbes 399. Now it's the Forbes 398. Where will it all end. Or will it?