Detective Samantha 'Sam' Banter is assigned a cold case involving the murder of a seven-year-old boy. With the help of her partner, Detective Fred Bashir, Sam must solve the case before her rival, Detective Glen Henkson, solves his case. The outcome will lead to the appointment of the new police sergeant.
Sam's daughter, Maryann, is quiet and withdrawn. She befriends Thomas and Christopher, who, like her, have a secret—gifts that are a result of traumatic episodes in their pasts.
Clarence Hynes has been locked up in the mental institute for a crime he committed two year ago. But was the crime wrong or justified? Clarence, however, is burdened with something far worse.
Can Sam solve her case before her rival? Will Maryann, Thomas, and Christopher share their secret? How does Clarence link them all together?
The Paperboys Club is a supernatural thriller with twists and turns that lead to a shocking conclusion.
Sam's daughter, Maryann, is quiet and withdrawn. She befriends Thomas and Christopher, who, like her, have a secret—gifts that are a result of traumatic episodes in their pasts.
Clarence Hynes has been locked up in the mental institute for a crime he committed two year ago. But was the crime wrong or justified? Clarence, however, is burdened with something far worse.
Can Sam solve her case before her rival? Will Maryann, Thomas, and Christopher share their secret? How does Clarence link them all together?
The Paperboys Club is a supernatural thriller with twists and turns that lead to a shocking conclusion.