Q7 - Book One of the Quantum 7 Series - science fiction action adventure book promotion by T.R. MacKie

Q7 -  Book One of the Quantum 7 Series - science fiction action adventure book promotion by T.R. MacKie
Q7 -  Book One of the Quantum 7 Series - science fiction action adventure book promotion by T.R. MacKie

Q7 -  Book One of the Quantum 7 Series by T.R. MacKie
What would happen if you were able to travel through space-time, and discovered you could change history with your thoughts?  Q7 is a suspenseful action adventure inspired by recent scientific research by CERN involving neutrinos.  
One Customer Said:
I started reading this book because I was always interested in Quantum Physics due to my introduction of it during my math classes in college, which was many years ago. What I found in this book, was almost a plausible demonstration how one can experience time travel. This is NOT a book similar to H.G. Wells, Time Machine! It is more down to earth. I was impressed how the author eased me into the story and then glued me through the pages until the end. It was only after I had finished the book that I found it was supposed to be a young adult book! Sheesh, I never read young adult books except maybe Tom Sawyer and some of the other classics. There may have been some problems with structure but for a first novel this was not bad at all! I highly recommend this book, not only for young adults but for everyone. Well, there is one exception. Those looking for novels with steamy sex may not be interested, but even they should try reading this.