"God The Universe And Darwin" A Christian Look at the creation controversy by Richard Woodling

Kindle Select Free Days 01/11/2013 - 01/12/2013

In 2005 I was involved in a research project involving the question of our origins. At that time there was a nasty debate involving Darwin advocates and Christians on this same point. There was, however, a new twist; allying with the Christian community were a group of respected scientists who were also questioning the Darwinian paradigm. Like most people, I assumed Darwin's theories were unassailable and they would have overwhelming evidence of that fact. Not because of any personal knowledge but only because Darwin advocates have been trumpeting that declaration for years to anyone who would listen. What I discovered in my research was absolutely shocking. Nothing could have been be further from the truth. Not only did Darwin advocates have no proof that anything evolved according to Darwin's theories but I discovered a growing legion of scientists who were completely rejecting Darwinism as scientifically unprovable. Another shocking discovery was the fact that new discoveries in the fields of cosmology, astronomy and biology actually bolstered the creation account in the Bible. Even though these discoveries were from the scientific mainstream, many of them seemed to have been swept under the rug.

This is when my research paper became the book "God, The Universe And Darwin." In writing the book I decided to put a different spin on this controversial issue by presenting the arguments of each side as they would be presented in a trial. This seemed completely fair as I laid out each sides arguments without any coloration. As I do have a strong opinion on this issue, I also noticed the reader of the sections of the book that contain the authors opinions. I then put the reader in the place of being the final judge and jury of each sides presented evidence where by the readers verdict becomes the conclusion of which side is most likely correct. While unusual, this seemed the only fair way to conduct this debate as neither side had any conclusive proof that their views were correct.