The Last Kid On The Steeplechase - The Stories, Songs and Poems of a Saloon Singer - Non Fiction Book Promotion by Michael Matthew Heaphy

The Last Kid On The Steeplechase - The Stories, Songs and Poems of a Saloon Singer - Non Fiction Book Promotion by Michael Matthew Heaphy

The Last Kid On The Steeplechase - The Stories, Songs and Poems of a Saloon Singer - Non Fiction Book Promotion by Michael Matthew Heaphy
This work is really a compilation of feelings and observations I've had over the years. Most of my working life has been spent as a Bandleader and because of that I've been lucky enough to have access to thousands of people and hundreds of places. I was also lucky enough to have had a very solid background of family and friends... and I believe it was luck. Through all this and because of all of this I've come to certain conclusions about life and the reasons we may be here at all. The circumstances of people's lives are always different but I've always been struck with the fact of how similar we really all are. Where ever you were brought up, weather it was New York City or some rural farm town in California we all share many of the same emotions and reactions to the situations that cause them.

   For many years I've kept a log, of sorts, of the thoughts that have come in and out of my mind. These thoughts I've had, probably much like yours and you, have made us the people we have become.
This log I've kept was, to me, just a very personal account of things and feelings I have come across. I never had any intention of sharing it with anybody. The older I got though the more I realized that maybe, when it comes down to the deepest core of things and people, we are not so different after all. The way we get here certainly is different but we may be brothers and sisters after all.

  This is just an attempt to share this idea and hopefully to bring back your own memories, bad and good and help, in a small way, to realize we are not really alone, no matter how good or bad things may be.