Simple and Sold - Sell Your Home Fast and Keep the Commission ebook by Sissy Lappin

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Sissy Lappin "Simple and Sold" book is an insider's view of the real estate buying and selling process. She walks a reader through everything a real estate company and salesman does, exposing the tricks of the trade and outlining the true cost of hiring a real estate professional.


The problem with commissions is not that a real estate agent earns commission, but how much does it really costs the homeowner. The typical commission is listed as 5-6 percent of the sale of the home. Considering most homes have a mortgage to be paid off at the time of the sale, the commission is much higher. Ms. Lappin said a typical commission paid to a real estate agent is 50-60 percent of the equity in the home.

In other words, a homeowner is going to give a real estate agent 50-60 percent of the net profit from the sale.