Ollie and the New Moon - Kindle ebook by Carl Derham


THIS BOOK CONTAINS: An adorable young musician, fantastical beings with
superior intelligence (Humans are so embarrassingly under evolved) and
your dream date conjured out of the ether! These are just a few of the
myriad fantasies that combine to make 'Ollie and the New Moon' an
endearingly hilarious tale packed with excitement and exuberant larking

THE STORY focuses upon a teenage drummer with a fondness for clubbing
and surfing, who lives his entire life in 'Ollie World'. He travels to
Cairo, befriending an Egyptology specialist from a top London museum on
his journey. On a trip to the famous pyramids, Ollie disappears without
a trace. Inadvertently he finds himself involved with a now-extinct race
of beings called Annenians and a space ship commanded by a
super-intelligent, if slightly eccentric computer.
An incredible set of events conspire to place Ollie, a fun loving
day-dreamer on a riotous galactic adventure. He recruits his friends to
help him save the world from a massive asteroid and from the evil
Throgloids, who are intent upon its destruction.

"It's amazing what being selected to Captain the most powerful ship in
the galaxy will do for a guy's confidence!"