Beyond the Shroud - Fantasy Kindle Ebook Promotion by Joshua Clarke-Kelsall

Beyond the Shroud - Fantasy Kindle Ebook Promotion by Joshua Clarke-Kelsall
Beyond the Shroud - Fantasy Kindle Ebook Marketing by Joshua Clarke-Kelsall

Cavale was never plagued with as much terror and misery as it was when Mina arrived, having being rescued from the surrounding forests by a good for nothing orphan named William.  This girl claimed that she had no knowledge of her past, though many in the town believe this to be naught but a convenient lie, enabling her to terrorize the city with yet another killing; another viscous attack.

Mina is desperate to proclaim her innocence, but with only fellow orphans to help her, she finds it difficult to prove that the real villain, is an elusive figure, shrouded by a cloak, who has been watching her ever since she came to the town.  Just as all hope seems lost however, Mina finds herself a most unexpected ally, one who truly has the authority to help them.

Yet this aid has its own ulterior motives, which the orphans are quick to suspect.  The orphans do their best to uncover these secrets of Cavale, but in doing so find themselves not only at odds with that shrouded beast that ceaselessly pursues , but also at odds with the very people that once strove so relentlessly to help them.

Many miles from Cavale, lurking in a vast, underground fortress lie the source of this danger.  These fallen beasts, the Children of the Arcane are trapped beneath the soil, forced there by the very people that once created them.  Only those who were once human, now tainted by the dark energies of their masters, may walk the earth still, searching for their masters, the key that will restore the world once more, to their power.