Best Damn Advice Ever: 10 Real Signs That He's Cheating On You - relationships advice kindle ebook promotion by Z. R. Moore

Best Damn Advice Ever: 10 Real Signs That He's Cheating On You - relationships advice kindle ebook promotion by Z. R. Moore
Best Damn Advice Ever: 10 Real Signs That He's Cheating On You - relationships advice kindle ebook marketing by Z. R. Moore

Wow! What a great, revealing book! Having been on both sides of the scale, I was floored by the author's understanding on why men cheat. But at the same time these results can be applied to women. I love that she was plain and direct with no scientific mumbo jumbo or an overload of statistics or experts with a million titles after their names. She actually gives the Best Damn Advice Ever! There are going to be a lot of men upset with her about this book. She hit the reasons on the head. It was embarrassing to look at my former behavior when I was a young man and painful to know that I even participated in something like that. It also allows you to take a look at the hurt and devastation that this one tiny act does to years of building. Ms. Moore knows and understands what motivates one to this level of betrayal. This information is invaluable to anyone who is experiencing this situation, and it will help you to determine what’s going on faster than the more popular clues do. After reading this book, no woman won’t be sitting around wondering what’s going on. The information in this book will certainly let her know. I am not only recommending this book but will be sending it to a few friends and family members.