The Cricket of Crown Valley - fiction novel kindle ebook promotion by J.J. Kovatch

The Cricket of Crown Valley - fiction novel kindle ebook promotion by J.J. Kovatch
The Cricket of Crown Valley - fiction novel kindle ebook marketing by J.J. Kovatch

From the imagination of poet J.J. Kovatch comes "The Cricket of Crown Valley." First time novelist Kovatch has drawn heavily upon his own experience teaching English and creative writing to juvenile prisoners in the California penal system. He creates a fascinating and rich world where Cabel Brody must find his way.

Cabel Brody's mother is in a long-term intensive care unit in Los Angeles, debilitated by a mysterious condition the doctors can't diagnose accurately, let alone treat. The money for her care has to come from somewhere, so Cabel starts selling marijuana to cover the medical bills.

His situation's worse than usual for a dealer, because he's dealing in a prison--the juvenile institution in which he is employed as a lay chaplain. He's paying off higher-echelon dealers and guards along with the hospital.

But that high-wire act can only go on so long, and slowly but surely, Cabel's carefully-arranged lies and schemes begin to fail, helped along by his drinking and manic depression. The payoffs get larger, and the risks more dangerous.

As the possibility of a real diagnosis for whatever is slowly killing his mother comes into view, his Type-A executrix girlfriend comes to him with surprise news of her own...

"This writer really transports the reader into a world that is raw, real, and edgy. The story is deep yet I found myself laughing as well. Do yourself a favor and read this. Go. Read it" - stanscamp review - Amazon U.S.