Maisy and the Missing Mice - Children Mystery Kindle ebook Promotion by Elizabeth Woodrum

Maisy and the Missing Mice - Children Mystery Kindle ebook Promotion by Elizabeth Woodrum
Maisy and the Missing Mice - Children Mystery Kindle ebook Marketing by Elizabeth Woodrum

Maisy and the Missing Mice will be in a Kindle Countdown Deal beginning on January 14th with the price starting at just 99 cents!

Maisy and the Missing Mice is the first book in the new series, The Maisy Files.  The series is aimed at elementary girls and features Maisy, a unique and witty character that they can both relate to and look up to. 
Maisy is an amateur detective, and she spends her time solving mysteries for the small fee of her favorite treat, cherry lollipops.  She greatly enjoys old black and white mystery movies, and imagines herself in a black and white world whenever she’s on a case.
In Maisy and the Missing Mice, Maisy attempts to solve the case when her school’s unofficial mascots go missing.   With only one clue to start with, a pair of black boots worn by the thief, Maisy works her way through the clues to bring the thief to justice.
Check out Maisy and the Missing Mice, and share it with the young readers in your life.