Through the Gloaming - ebook by Katrina Jack

Through The Gloaming is book two in The Silver Flute Trilogy. Aimed at young adults, it can also be read by older readers. Fans of YA Urban fantasy will find everything they love in the genre, right here in this book: action, adventure, magic, music, and three dimensional characters to love and hate. A mixture of dark faerie, mythology, and contemporary settings, Through the Gloaming takes the reader on a roller coaster of a journey. The main protagonist, Jeremiah Tully, has been  mute from birth. His only means of communication are sign language, and most of all, his music, via a silver flute gifted to him by his absentee mother, Sylvan. Along with standard faerie characters, such as ogres, demons, etc, are a few new ones, such as Elwyns, Gangers and Dragash, the latter being a mixture of human/ogre. The fast paced plot never lets up, pulling the reader into the dark world of the Gloaming, a place peopled by lost souls forever trapped in the underground city. This a story of a young man, half human, half Elwyn, who is fighting to find his true identity. This is not a tale of a royal prince discovering he is heir to a throne; this is a story of a boy who discover that he can rise above bigotry. That he is just as good as anyone else, and that his music can bring down worlds, and create new ones. Previously always alone, and an outcast from society, Jeremiah Tully evolves into a person of outstanding talent.