The Wrath - a fantasy by Star

A boy accidentally taken from his home finds himself on a journey to becoming a great wizard.  He finds himself mistaken for a creature that is responsible for the death of one of the Great Heroes of Elter, and he is thrown into a mission that involves stopping the most powerful wizard of the lands from enacting his revenge on his country, Meridian. While in the midst of this turmoil, he also finds his wizard teacher. While learning to be a good wizard, he has many misadventures on the mission. This mission, however, doesn't exactly go as planned when the boy is taken from his group by the wizard he is supposed to kill and soon must play a bigger role than he ever wanted to in the coming war.

"This is a fine book about dragons, wizards, and little boys growing up to see the world as neither good nor bad, but often a giant blur of gray. The story is pretty fast paced and fairly full of action. The boy comes into his own wizardry and teacher almost by accident in the middle of turmoil as the three countries become embroiled in a world war. He learns from the "good wizard" and from the "bad wizard" as well. While the bad wizard needs him for survival."