Beyond A Reasonable Doubt - Legal Thriller by Linda S. Prather

Jenna is a kick-ass Assistant DA caught up with a corrupt family headed up by of all people a former judge. Jenna gets entangled in a messy family web of deceit in which an innocent member of the family has been imprisoned for twenty-five years. When a member of the young man's family is killed in an accident, he is released from prison into Jenna's custody to attend the funeral, and that's where this fast-paced, non-stop thriller really begins.

From prosecutor to victim, Jenna quickly finds she can trust no one except two Corpus Christi police officers who have their vendetta against former federal judge, William Elkins. The lines have blurred between good and bad, and if Jenna wants to survive she'll have to team up with a motley crew of the worst bad guys around. The body count is rising, and unless she can find proof beyond a reasonable doubt, none of them will survive.