No Other God: How to Return to the Forgotten God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by G. Nieves

$0.99 (regularly $9.99) 2/3/2016 - 2/6/2016!

Did you know that the knowledge of the true God was lost after the Apostles died?  Did you know that most Christians don’t know for sure who or what God is?  Is God a He, a They, an It or an energetic force out there somewhere?  Or can God be anything you imagine him to be? This book will show you what the Bible really reveals about God.

Is there a way to know for sure?  Yes, there is and in this book you will discover the surprising truth about God.

The amazing thing is that the answer is found right in your Bible but you’ve never seen it!  God is real and He wants you to know Him as He truly is. This book will help you:

  • Find out exactly who He is and what He wants from you.
  • Discover why all the confusion about God in mainstream Christianity and where it came from.
  • Where to look for the true answers about the God that Abraham. Isaac, Jacob and Jesus served and loved.