Fat is our Friend; Get energized by adding back healthy fats and oil to your diet by Sammy Pepys

Fat is our Friend; Get energized by adding back healthy fats and oil to your diet by Sammy Pepys


Originally, Sammy just wanted to help save his overweight sister-in-law, Katy, from the bariatric surgeon’s knife. Yet that intervention turned into a personal and eventful voyage of discovery through the murky world of nutrition and health.

By adopting a low-carb, high fat diet, Katy ended up losing a full 20kg in just six months, but it took nearly 3 years for Sammy to fully understand why her diet was so successful. Most nutritionists and Dietary Guideline Committees still falsely pump out the message that fat, especially dairy fat is bad for you. Sammy is now convinced they are wrong. In ‘Fat is our Friend’, you will find out:

  • why fats and oils are not just good for you but essential for your health. 
  • which fats are really best for you. 
  • how cutting out starch & sugar slows and can even reverse type-2 diabetes – as long as you eat enough healthy fats and oil.

Make the right decisions for your health - We are all different and not everyone will benefit in precisely the same way as Katy. Let’s face it, no-one can or should tell you exactly what you should eat or how to diet. But when you are better informed, you can make the right decisions for your health and that of your family. That’s what Sammy Pepys sets out to do in ‘Fat is our Friend’.