The Persian Woman - a thriller by Thomas Booker

The Persian Woman - a thriller by Thomas Booker

$1.99 on Amazon 3/2/17-3/6/17!

Former Navy SEAL Jeff Quinn has a young woman's diary warning of a potential terror attack. But when he takes it to the FBI, he is chagrined to learn that the agent assigned to the case is Special Agent Parvin Sassani, an Iranian. Quinn has a grudge against all Muslims; his wife was killed by a jihadist. He balks at giving her the diary. The first half of the book depicts the struggle between Quinn and Parvin over the diary. Quinn gives in, however, when Parvin puts her own career on the line to save him from a false charge of murder. From then on, Quinn and Parvin work together to foil the attack. In the process, Quinn comes to respect Parvin for her intelligence, culture,and courage. He falls deeply in love with her.