Bygone Days - a cozy mystery w/humor by Riley Blake

Bygone Days a cozy mystery with humor by Riley Blake

Mary Louise, Opal, and Pearl follow a cold trail on a hot summer's night. When sleuthing goes terribly wrong, Opal lands in the hospital fighting for her life...or so it seems. With these three girls, anything is possible, even faking a short illness in order to catch a killer.


“Mary Louise! Opal! Come quick!” With her pink fuzzy socks lacking traction, Pearl slid to a stop. All heads turned. The activities room was packed with card players but Pearl provided more entertainment as she hobbled around like she needed to find a restroom. “Follow me! We have a dead one!”

“Don’t get up.” Mary Louise folded her poker hand and smiled at those who offered a kind look of understanding. Pearl had developed a melodramatic reputation and most of the community’s residents knew her by name.

“We’ll be right back.” Opal slowly rose from her chair. She reassembled her lucky turquoise bonnet that matched absolutely nothing before she fell in line behind Mary Louise. “She means a live one.” 

“I know,” Mary Louise grumbled.

Pearl motioned for them. “Hurry.” Ten or fifteen steps later, she stopped at the edge of the foyer. “I had it right the first time.”

“Hope not.” Opal kept her voice low. “Ya scared everyone half to death.”

“Must’ve been what happened to him.” Pearl pointed and sighed. “With friends like me, you two need more enemies.”

Read A Cozy Retirement Mysteries in Order:

Vintage Whispers
Bygone Days
Christmas Treasures