Cash Kills (Angelina Bonaparte Mysteries #2) - mystery book by Nanci Rathbun

Cash Kills (Angelina Bonaparte Mysteries #2) - mystery book by Nanci Rathbun

This book is on a Kindle Countdown Deal sale - 4/27 at $.99, 4/28 at $1.99, 4/29 at $2.99 (regular price $3.99)!

PI Angelina Bonaparte's new client is a young woman whose Bosnian War refugee parents were killed in what looked like a robbery gone wrong at their mom-and-pop hardware store. Although the family always lived like the working poor, Adriana finds out they left her an inheritance in the millions. Adriana doesn't want to accept tainted money, so she turns to Angie to uncover the sources of the bequest.

When the family's attorney disappears and Angie finds his legal secretary dead in his office, the hunt turns lethal. Angie must use her father's Mafia connections to protect Adriana and herself from those who are also after the money. But Angie better watch both their backs, because whoever's after the cash doesn't intend to let Adriana inherit.