A Kindness in Their Hearts - a heartwarming fiction by Jim Weafer

A Kindness in Their Hearts - a heartwarming fiction book by Jim Weafer - book promotion sites

A Kindness in Their Hearts briefly takes the reader back to a simpler time where compassion and kindness were readily embraced, and the worries of today were rare. However, no time has ever completely escaped from life’s struggles nor the ceaseless pain of an unwelcome adversary who never seems to go away.
Razz, Colby, Elbie and Anna Lee are fictional characters but most everyone will relate to their hopes, their fears, and their struggles. Everyone,  young and old alike, will enjoy their many ludicrous predicaments and the troubling plights that the four of them all too often find themselves inevitably immersed.
But, it is the many moments in the story, that brings a warm smile to your face while softening your heart, that you will remember the most. As one reader said, it is filled with interesting characters, a little magic, a vile nemesis, a few wonderful surprises and a developing plot that make it a great story.