Rookie Mistakes: Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors by Mike McHargue

Rookie Mistakes: Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors by Mike McHargue

Are Your Critical Leadership Errors Undermining Your Team and Organization?

Rookie Mistakes: Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors is a collection of wisdom and advice from 25 of the top executives in the U.S., who share stories about their own mistakes and how those errors were damaging to both leaders and their teams.

In this book, you will learn:

•The five most serious mistakes leaders can make and how to avoid them
•Effective ways to communicate with your team and eliminate confusion
•How to connect with your team on a deeper level
•The best way to run smooth and practical meetings
•The core principles of hiring and firing correctly
•How to give useful, constructive feedback and how to receive criticism in return

This book offers practical examples and advice to help you become the leader you always imagined you would be.