TRUMP LIES AND EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS: Lost Moral and Ethics Authority - A Study of Sin, Sanctification, and Holiness-Impeaching Trump and Evangelical Christians by John Murray

TRUMP LIES AND EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS: Lost Moral and Ethics Authority - A Study of Sin, Sanctification, and Holiness-Impeaching Trump and Evangelical Christians by John Murray

This book is on sale on Amazon for $0.99 (regularly $8.99) 6/3/2020 - 6/8/2020!

What is the true cost of following Donald Trump? 

Sound evangelical doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. The word calls Christians to be holy as the LORD is holy. Christians are to become more and more like Christ as they grow in their life. A life without holiness for a Christian is worse than useless; it does positive harm.  Wise men, keen-sighted men of the world despise the unholy Christian lifestyle and see it as a hollow thing bringing contempt into religion. 

Because Donald Trump is amoral, he is the antithesis of everything the true Christian believes in.  A Christians is not responsible for the two-party political system of America or the way others exercise their citizenship. But Christians will be held accountable for how they delegate their authority. The primary concern is not an election night victory party but rather the judgment seat of Christ. The Bible tells us that Christians will not only be held accountable for the evil deeds they do but also when they give approval to those who practice them. 

You reap what you sow. There will be serious consequences for those Christians who voted for and support Donald Trump. The main attribute of God is his holiness. He cannot tolerate sin. When one rationalizes a vote for immorality or injustice just because one sees a way to accomplish desired policy objectives, that is sin. Unrepentant sin makes us unholy. And without holiness, no man shall see the LORD says Hebrews 12:14. So what is the true price of following Donald Trump for a Christian? 

“Trump Lies and Evangelical Christians” examines the above issues. The book is a discussion of Sin, Sanctification and Holiness based on God’s word. It is the only standard of measurement that is true. The lessons taught and learned are of great value. Perhaps even, lifesaving.