The Great Enclosure - an unparalleled spiritual journey book promotion by Usil Cel

The Great Enclosure - an unparalleled spiritual journey book promotion by Usil Cel
The Great Enclosure - an unparalleled spiritual journey book promotion by Usil Cel

Three women in San Diego, California, are visited by angels. Gazelle Gweru, Canter Kariba, and Sophia Centenary are at the end of their lives, but they do not know it. Gazelle Gweru, thirty-five, is a renowned pastry chef who owns a bakery. Canter Kariba, seventy-three, is a recently retired retail employee. Sophia Centenary, twenty-six, is a reality-TV participant. Gazelle, Canter, and Sophia are about to be granted their deepest wishes when they realize that everything is about to change. 

Angels--Ina, Bel, and Bab--have come to accompany Gazelle, Canter, and Sophia to a place seven million light years away from Earth. That place is called “The Great Enclosure,” a transformative healing place that will transform Gazelle, Canter, and Sophia in ways they would never have imagined. Gazelle, Canter, and Sophia must prepare for their journey, and they must let go of everything so familiar to them on Earth. Will Gazelle, Canter, and Sophia accept the journey before them, or will they fight it? How will Ina, Bel, Bab, and the Great Enclosure help them?