Over the Rainbow: From a stormy past to a future full of color by Pam Ella Jantz

Over the Rainbow: From a stormy past to a future full of color by Pam Ella Jantz - book promotion sites

This book is on sale on Amazon for $2.99 (regularly $5.99) 7/14/2021 - 7/16/2021!

If you've ever been through challenging times due to a traumatic past, sadness can become your best friend. Even in times when you feel like you have it all together, your mind trips you up again and unhappiness returns. Without happiness, you can lose hope of ever having a fulfilling life.

Being unhappy from as far back as she can remember, the author recalls that happiness always seemed short-lived. Desperately wanting to be on the happy side of life, she would wonder if it were even possible. Could a person grow up in a dysfunctional home, live in a dysfunctional marriage and get to the other side of the rainbow and become emotionally healthy?

The answer is...yes! Rainbows had been impossible to go over...until now.

Accompany the author on a journey with Dorothy, from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and discover when we travel down our yellow brick roads, filled with trauma and pain, it is possible to go over the rainbow.

Over the Rainbow is your invitation to take an honest look at emotional dysfunction at its core, the havoc it reaps, and how to overcome it and master your mind, heal your heart, find freedom from fear, and obtain healing that you never dreamed possible.

Over the Rainbow offers encouragement to help stop your dysfunctional thinking and also helps you navigate relationships with those who struggle with emotional dysfunction.

Over the Rainbowwill take you on a life-changing journey that will both encourage and inspire you and give you hope for transformation...where you will be given an opportunity to look at your past, receive healing from your wounds, and move beyond your sorrow to a world over the rainbow filled with color, happiness, and a life worth living.

Don't be held back by your past when you were designed for so much more.

Over the Rainbow...where you go from a stormy past to a future full of color.