Winds of Skilak: A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness - a memoir by Bonnie Rose Ward

Winds of Skilak: A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness - a memoir by Bonnie Rose Ward - book promotion companies



Why is this book so dear? It’s a young innocent woman and a fearless young man taking on wild, raw, gargantuan Alaska - a capricious beast, bowing the heart with beauty one day and cowering the flesh with danger the next. It’s the odds. They shouldn’t have made it. They shouldn’t have gotten the cabin built after . . . They shouldn’t have stayed alive when . . . But there was Sam’s determination - hard as nails, and Bonnie’s trust in Sam and faith in God. … Two forces met, odds were stacked, but the fortitudes of the spirit won, and we read the book and cheer for Bonnie and Sam and give praise to God!