The Brilliance of Dyslexia: Teaching Any Student to Excel in Learning and Loving to Read by Anita Burch

The Brilliance of Dyslexia: Teaching Any Student to Excel in Learning and Loving to Read self help free book promotion by Anita Burch

Free book promotion on Amazon 4/24/2023 - 4/28/2023!

In 2003, the Tulip Financial Group conducted a study of 300 millionaires and discovered that 40% of them had been diagnosed with dyslexia.

Often, when people hear “dyslexia,” they assume this to be a sign of low intelligence. And when parents compare their children who have dyslexia with fellow students who are performing well, they worry that their child is lazy, unfocused, or maybe just slow. Unfortunately, it’s easy for many of us to assume that a dyslexia diagnosis is a sign of not being smart or having no interest in learning.

But did you know that people with dyslexia are often high in intelligence? Many successful entrepreneurs and business leaders, such as Richard Branson, received a dyslexia diagnosis.