Clucked - A Quirky Nautical Tale of Adventure, Misadventure and Justice Served by Troy Hollan

Clucked - A Quirky Nautical Tale of Adventure, Misadventure and Justice Served book promotion by Troy Hollan

Two years ago, Matt lost his wife to an asleep-at-the-wheel truck driver for the corrupt Clawson Chicken Corporation, and most of his savings to a court battle with the aforementioned fowl magnate.

With limited sailing experience and his trusted first mate, Hank, a senior rat terrier for company, Matt heads out from Corpus Christi Bay in a vintage sloop, trying to outsail his bad memories and find a path forward.

A close encounter with a coral reef nearly wrecks his boat, a mishap that draws him away from his loosely-charted journey, up the Intracoastal waterway, and deep into the heart of Gullah Geechee country. Here, Matt will learn some terrible truths about the Colonel, and together with his friends, both old and new, find a way to fry the dastardly chicken king, once and for all.