Zero Sum Conclusion: a dystopian mindbender by Thomas Lopinski

Zero Sum Conclusion: a dystopian mindbender book promotion by Thomas Lopinski

The Second Civil War of 2033 changed the landscape of American politics forever, forcing citizens to reimagine a society overrun by crime, greed, poverty, and aggression. Turning conventional logic on its head, every eighteen-year-old now receives a million dollars in lieu of traditional healthcare, Social Security, and Medicare. Political divisiveness has been diffused by assigning everybody as a Front-Loader or Back-Ender, depending on how they want to live and when they take their million dollars. Corporations now handle all governmental functions, saving taxpayers money while cleansing the internet of misinformation and immoral values. What could possibly go wrong?

It's eighty-four years after 1984, and the story centers around an FBI agent named Edgar Gorman, who has recently lost his soulmate to illness. His life spirals out of control after a computer glitch rewrites his history. Along the way, he meets a young teenage boy named Ketchum, who also finds himself on the wrong side of the law. After being swindled out of his newfound fortune by a beautiful girl, Ketchum enters into “Zero Sum Conclusion.” Edgar’s and Ketchum’s lives collide and, by joining forces, they eventually save each other.

Zero Sum Conclusion is a futuristic, satirical exploration into the political, religious, and social landscapes of today — and what might become of America if we continue on the path we’re currently hurtling down.