The Rabbit's Man - a thriller by Damien Dsoul

Kingsley Azobi, a Nigerian real-estate businessman, is facing bankruptcy and has only two choices to make to get himself out of his predicament. Neither of the choices are great.

He can either watch his life and livelihood crumble before his eyes, or he could go back to his former lifestyle of selling weapons to the left-wing militant army known as the Niger-Delta Brigade.

Lionel Parrish is a British spy with a mission of his own. Suave, sophisticated, and dangerous, he ensnares Kingsley into working for him. Becoming his eyes and ears in the militant's upcoming destructive mission. Things start taking a dark twist when the militants begin to come after him and his family. Now Kingsley is caught between trying to be one step ahead of the game, fighting against the dark tide of his past that seeks to destroy his future.