Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts! - Humor Book Promotion by Judi Coltman

Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts! - Humor Book Promotion by Judi Coltman
Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts! - Humor Book Promotion by Judi Coltman

"Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts!" offers a laugh out loud look at parenting, marriage, aging and small town living from an suburban point of view.

Written in short chapters, Coltman retells everyday life events, conversations and stories infused with her skewed sense of humor. These small snippets of life are moments in which anyone can identify and laugh at themselves as well. Middle age can be boring, but Coltman allows the naughty into her life from time to time, like her adult Scout Troop, "Cougar Scouts" Troop 69, or conversations between her middle aged self and her seventeen year old self that will leave you rolling ( and remembering!) A great quick read!!

Brilliant, witty, insightful , fun little book.
This review is from: Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts! (Kindle Edition)
Just spent the day laughing, smiling, tearing up, and thoroughly enjoying every moment of this book.
Coltman shares her endearing, humorous slant on the most normal life situations we all experience. You will see yourself, your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers in the characters she brings to life and it will simply make you smile when you recognize them. A must read, especially when life gets a bit too serious. I will be sharing this book with everyone.

Worth the read
This review is from: Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts! (Kindle Edition)
Wringing humor out of life's everyday mundanity is not easy, but Coltman does so quite well. Her wry, conversational tone is engaging and often insightful. Do I recommend this book? I do!