Dreams. Insights. Big Pharma and government black ops converge on a breezy town in the Panhandle of Florida. What could go wrong?
"... So, while withholding details of the actual storyline, I will try to sum up my review of the Fifth Stage like this: A bit of violence, a heavy dose of mind bending drugs, a little love interest for the ladies, shady spies and informants, lower tiered hit men, big Pharma CEO douchebags, government agents and special ops, cover-ups and media spins, a dash of voodoo, a cool lovable underdog and his best bro, plot twists that keep you guessing while leading up to a clever "WTF" (but in a good way) surprise ending..."---Amazon 5 star reviewer
"Great flow of suspense. Not just a thriller but medical insight into dreams that open your deepest secrets. Action plus history all the way"...---Amazon 5 star reviewer