Bad Way Out - Kindle ebook by C.Hoyt Caldwell

"Could this book start off a craze of what can only be called
Appalachian crime noir? Meet E. R. Percy, mountain man and the brewer
of the best moonshine you will ever sip. Life has always been hard for
the mountain folk, but illegal stills and their product is nothing
compared to the drugs trade. When E. R. first refuses to work in the
drugs business he is at first threatened, but this escalates to a
feud. Throw in a mysterious mountain of a man that suddenly appears in
his brewing shed and you find there is a lot of comedy to what would
otherwise be a bloody and dark tale.

Fun to read and hard to put down this is a great tale of hillbillies
and their culture versus the modern drug lord. The characters come to
life in all their glorious eccentricities, from a man mad seventeen
year old girl to the corrupt reverend. Unfortunately this book will
probably get overlooked, which is a shame, as it is such a great read
and should appeal to a lot of people." M.Dowden - Amazon Vine Voice
Reviewer (UK)