Ash: Return Of The Beast - supernatural crime kindle ebook promotion by Gary Val Tenuta

Ash: Return Of The Beast - supernatural crime kindle ebook promotion by Gary Val Tenuta
Ash: Return Of The Beast - supernatural crime kindle ebook marketing by Gary Val Tenuta
KINDLE (U.S.) $2.99  
KINDLE (U.K.) £1.88 
••• "Rivals the best I've ever read by Stephen King, Peter Straub, or Dean Koontz. Hell, Clive Barker would be proud of this one. Yes, it's that good." - Jeff Whelan •••

ASH: Return of the Beast is a modern-day supernatural crime chiller, a tale of revenge steeped in the occult. The story is a work of fiction inspired by a little known factoid about the death of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the notorious occultist whose favorite number was 666 and whom the British press once labeled as "The Wickedest Man In The World". Crowley’s body was cremated but the unexplained 1947 disappearance of the urn containing his ashes has remained a mystery… until now.

••• I was hooked by the end of the first chapter and literally unwilling to put it down!" - Nikki, book blogger •••

This diabolical tale propels the reader through a series of curiously interconnected events spanning the years from 1947 (and the death of Aleister Crowley) to the 1990s and the coming-of-age (and eventual stardom) of a "death-metal" rocker with the unlikely name of Rodney Duckworth.

••• "Brilliantly conceived and executed. I couldn't put it down." - Rai Aren, author of Secret Of The Sands, Destiny Of The Sands •••

The time-line shifts to the present day where Brian Kane, a gruff and gritty street-worn Seattle Police Detective, reluctantly teams up with the mysterious Rowena Ravenwood, an attractive and rather unconventional female FBI agent assigned to a most unusual investigative unit. Their task is to figure out why good, healthy, God-fearing preachers in their fair city are suddenly dropping dead... one at a time... exactly nine days apart.

••• "It threw me for a literary loop, and I could NOT put this baby down!." - J. Wall •••

What is the meaning of the strange symbols branded onto the bodies of these hapless victims? Are they all part of some bizarre cult? No eyewitnesses. No fingerprints. Is it really murder? Where’s the evidence? And what is the disturbing secret that Detective Kane is holding so close to his chest?

••• "The character creation is fabulous." - Christina M. Condy, goodreads reviewer •••

The investigation catapults Kane and Ravenwood headlong into life-threatening situations as they feel their way through the strange, dark labyrinth of the world of the occult and find themselves battling for their lives against the powerful forces of ritual magick.

••• "Filled with magick... at times drawing one into the evil." - Ellen In Atlanta, amazon reviewer •••

A bloody carnage of unimaginable horror is about to be unleashed upon the world as the offspring of the fabled “Old Ones” are awakened from their ancient slumber.

••• "If you are a fan of Stephen King, you would like this occult thriller. - John C. Stipa •••

The survival of the entire human race hangs in the balance and the clues to help solve the case are in desperately short supply. Worse yet, so is the amount of time left to stop the mysterious killer's reign of terror before all Hell breaks loose. And – according to Special Agent Ravenwood – that’s not just a figure of speech.

••• "An ending you will never see coming!" - Lila L. Pinord •••

KINDLE (U.S.) $2.99 
KINDLE (U.K.) £1.88

Tenuta paces the book cleverly, alternating between protagonist and antagonist with rare skill, and achieves a level of tension that is unbearably delicious. There are dark secrets, startling revelations, personal sacrifices and an ending you won't see coming. Rivals the best I've ever read by Stephen King, Peter Straub, or Dean Koontz. Hell, Clive Barker would be proud of this one. Yes, it's that good." - Jeff Whelan

"It threw me for a literary loop, and I could NOT put this baby down!. The characters are very realistic... the plot is amazing. The twists in this story were terrific." - J. Wall, photographer

Ash: Return of the Beast will appeal to anyone with a fascination with the occult, the paranormal, murder mysteries and police procedurals. The colorful main characters, with deep secrets of their own, bring the reader along on a macabre journey that spirals outwards to all kinds of intriguing places. From rock 'n roll to the very depths of the underworld itself, Ash is a wild ride into a shadow world you won't soon forget. Brilliantly conceived and executed - I couldn't put it down!" - Rai Aren, author of Secret Of The Sands

“The writing was flawless, and the plot was so clever and enticing, that I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys occult mysteries. A riveting story.” – Sandra Carrington-Smith

"A page turner... dragging you into a world where few authors have successfully gone... to the Gates of Hell and back! The thrill ride alone is worth the purchase." - Valerie Bowen, author of the Mind of a Madman series

"Wow...Dan Brown fans watch out! It's gripping, tantalizing... I was hooked by the end of the first chapter and literally unwilling to put it down!" - Nikki, book blogger at Close Encounters With The Night Kind

“I wasn't so much reading the book as being sucked into the story with very little effort and seeing the story unfold in my mind through spectacular imagery...” – Michelle Parkins, South Africa

"The character creation is fabulous." - Christina M. Condy, goodreads reviewer

"A good break after all the boy-meets-girl plots. Good writing... interesting concepts... a riddle and some clues to solve... I was reminded of Dennis Lehane. Very different from other horror fiction stories... even gave the whole Necronomicon tale a new spin." - Cyma R. Kahn, goodreads reviewer

"A close-the-drapes-and-hang-onto-your-seat-read. Highly recommend it." - Meredith Wright Hutchins, attorney, Olympia, WA

"An ending you will never see coming! Highly recommended!" - Lila L. Pinord, author of In Time, Min's Monster, and Skye Dancer

"Filled with magick... at times drawing one into the evil." - Ellen In Atlanta, amazon reviewer

"Plenty of atmosphere and a compelling narrative. A worthwhile roller-coaster ride." - Bob Freeman, author of The Descendant

"What a great story – fast paced and exciting, right to the end." - Roxanne Bland, Of Werewolves And Other Strangers

"Excellent read! Exciting, really moves right along & a wee touch of romance. You wont be sorry!" - Sue McRae, Stanwood, WA

Good character development, for both the good and bad guys, good scene descriptions, especially the mansion, and great action scenes. If you are a fan of Stephen King, you would like this occult thriller. " - John C. Stipa, Virginia

"A tingly, spine-chilling little entry that belongs in any true horror aficionado's collection." - Wendy Potocki, author of The White Lady Murders

“The narrative takes a different approach to the run-of-the-mill Satanist storyline.The action builds nicely and we are drawn into the web of evil and dark revelations as the story progresses.The narrative is rich with details on magic, mystical cycles, and ancient gods and goddesses.” – Drake Morgan at Horror Novel Reviews

"Tenuta took an actual unsolved mystery from 1947 and turned it into a page-turning modern-day supernatural crime thriller unlike anything I've ever read before." - J. Monson

"Although this is fiction it makes you wonder whether there is some truth behind the whole story. Who knows? Suggest that you read it with an open mind. A real page turner." – Anthony Cessar, Gudja, Malta

KINDLE (U.S.) $2.99  
KINDLE (U.K.) £1.88