This book is a guide for living a well-lived life. Each person can find relevant information that can be quickly added to daily life. Topics addressed include balance to bring health, connection to others and the world around us, and spiritual presence.
The information is from Spiritual Presence. A person does not need to believe in a Higher Power for these words to have meaning. By being open-minded to the possibility of… is enough.
Receiving this amazing information has been exhilarating, overwhelming, and an honor. The words that come through me amaze me each and every time I read them. They guide and instruct me and show the way for me to live a better and more purposeful life.
The words are not just for me; they are meant to be spread.
I wish for the readers the ability to tap into their own intuition about elevated living, the understanding to dedicate themselves to pursuing meaningful connections, and comfort in knowing that Spiritual Presence exists and is available to those who do yearn.