Starcrush - kindle ebook by Justine Erler

Adrift in a sea of narcissistic friends, restless high school senior Genna Savoy is certain of one thing: if the perfect boyfriend doesn’t exist in this world … he doesn’t exist.

Unshakeable beliefs slowly unravel, when fiercely handsome Byron bursts onto the Jersey Shore. Just a year older than Genna, Byron is strangely detached with remarkable telepathic skills. Emotionally-conflicted Genna struggles against her feelings, when Byron suddenly disappears.

Overcome by insecurity, Genna meets the outrageously seductive Elon, who teases her with an uninhibited smile … and seemingly supernatural feats. By the time that Genna learns the truth — that Elon isn’t just a super-telepath as suspected, but actually an extraterrestrial — she is hopelessly and completely in love.

The kiss never far from his mind, Elon tries to downplay “the alien thing” and pretend that they’re a normal couple. However, the relationship is quickly tested when Genna realizes that the military is holding Byron, who is not only an extraterrestrial like Elon, but also his brother.

Torn between two rival siblings, Genna is distraught and confused. Elon reacts jealously, while Byron is forcefully taken away by an energy source that is an extension of his father’s will — an entity that impresses Genna as capable of good, bad and everything in between.

Realizing that the perfect boyfriend is slipping away, Genna surrenders her emotions with a single gasp, accepting Elon’s love … who in turn, decides to risk his father’s wrath and remain on earth with her. Suddenly, Genna has a sense of a spectacular destiny now forever changed. She wonders what Elon gave up to be with her.  “Nothing…,” he says, drifting closer. “Nothing compared to what I would have lost if I left without you.”

Emotionally-charged, evocative … and utterly sexy, Starcrush is a unique paranormal romance that anchors fantasy elements to a young adult reality.