The Books of the Kuro Miko - Kindle ebook by Rudolph V. Kolar

There are many Myths and village stories about Japan unknown to the West, but the topic of this book: The Kuro Miko is also generally unknown in the East. Most Japanese erroneously believe that the Kuro Miko no longer exist since they were hunted and exterminated by Imperial Soldiers hundreds of years ago.
These Kuro Miko practiced ancient Core Japanese Arts called the “Selfish Arts” or The Dark Arts and are passed through time by Clans by training their daughters in these Arts. Conjuring, witchcraft, sorcery, and the Black Arts in Japan are still taught and practiced by powerful Ninjutsu clans, Geisha families and new Japanese religions. They are the keepers of these ancient secret arts for women
This work is technically correct Secrets and concepts of the Kuro-Miko of Japan and contains the “ritual secrets” of the Shinto High Priestess, Sorceress, Shaman Woman, Medium, and Oracle Woman training from approximately 650 AD to present from Local Myths and ancient stories compounded