Money Emission for Everyone – bitcoin cryptocurrency kindle ebook promotion by Olga Foertsch

Money Emission for Everyone – bitcoin cryptocurrency kindle ebook promotion by Olga Foertsch
Money Emission for Everyone – bitcoin cryptocurrency kindle ebook marketing by Olga Foertsch

The book „Money Emission for Everyone“, written by the German author
Olga Foertsch has recently also been made available for English-speaking readers. Originally published in German in 2012, the book introduces a new concept that could fundamentally change the way modern society is supplied with money. The English translation is available as Kindle-ebook on Amazon.

Recent turbulences surrounding the Bitcoin once again show how elaborate number games are not enough to design a currency that deserves the name.

That is to say that limited supply is not the only thing that makes
money out of an economic good and encryption algorithms are not the only thing that a modern method of payment requires.

But what must we look out for in a viable cyber-currency? The book at hand fills existing knowledge gaps and answers the question how to introduce such an internet-based and independent method of payment into
the world. Written at the intersection of information technology, economics and sociology, this book guides us through a topic most of us do not think about every day. “Money Emission for Everyone” introduces the most important aspects of the concept and addresses especially those readers who would be interested in the realization of this idea.