Storm of Arranon - kindle ebook by R E Sheahan

Storm of Arranon is the first book in this action-packed and fast paced adventure.

All Cadet Erynn Yager ever wanted was a normal life on her home world of Korin, be like others her age, and have friends. 

It wasn’t to be.

Daughter of the commanding general of security forces for the two worlds of Korin and Arranon tends to intimidate possible acquaintances.

Then there’s Erynn’s secret. Her very birth forbidden by both governments, she’s not like everyone else.

Still in academy and training to be an Interceptor fighter pilot, a visiting General from Arranon makes a curious requirement. He requests Erynn’s presence during his visit. At a ceremony in his honor, Erynn’s life is thrown into chaos when invading alien assassins attack. She makes a difficult decision and saves the General’s life, revealing her remarkable abilities, and her secret.

Pursued by the alien assassin and stranded on Arranon, an unfamiliar planet of eternal winter and predatory wildlife, the world’s mysterious living consciousness intervenes—leading Erynn on a mystical journey. She struggles to gain control of her growing powers while in a constant race to elude the enemy, and join the forces preparing to wage war against them.

Along with courage, hope, and friendship, Erynn finds something unexpected on her journey of awareness and growth . . . Love.

“Erynn also brings a fresh perspective to a story that might otherwise be clichĂ©. In a genre filled with male perspectives, a sassy female main character is a welcome change. With all the interesting ideas at work here, readers will likely want to check out the planned sequel.”  Kirkus Reviews

“A wonderful alien world has been created and is populated with amazing, yet realistic, characters and animals, not to mention a few surprises. While this is essentially a story of good vs. evil and the discovery of new emotions that develop in the course of growing up, it is told with humor, insight and well-developed characters.”  Melinda Hills for Readers’ Favorite

“I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a great romance/sci-fi novel without going overboard.” “I really liked this book and would recommend this for anyone 12 and up. I felt this story was interesting and can’t wait for sequels!”  LitPick Reviewer Age:12

“This book is the first si-fi I have read and I must say the author has made me a fan. I am looking forward to the next one.” MyBookAddictionandMore

“The world building is amazing, filled with details of the planet, animals and the special connection between the planet and the characters.” “I highly recommend this book and am looking forward to the next book in this series.”  Openbooksociety_dot_com

“R.E. Sheahan has crafted a fantastic world full of rich characters that will grab you from the very beginning. With a mixture of psychic abilities, adventure, suspense, romance and fantasy this story will take you out of this world and make you never want to come home!”  TeenBlurb “Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult.